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机器人在行走! 5款真正能做到走路的机器人


来源:互联网    2015-11-17


DARPA's Atlas Robot

August 31, 2015 03:07pm ETRobots on the Run! 5 Bots That Can Really Move Boston Dynamics' humanoid robot, Atlas, can now run around outdoors. Credit: DARPA View full size image

Earlier this month, the Google-owned robotics company Boston Dynamics released a video of its humanoid robot running through a forest. The RoboCop-type bot, named Atlas, freaked out some people, but the footage also had some tech geeks cheering.

A bot that can run over rough, outdoor terrain is a big deal in robotics, a field in which researchers are constantly working to develop machines capable of moving around outside the lab. Boston Dynamics has a handful of bots that run just as well as Atlas, and researchers from other institutions are also building machines that can ramble about in the real world.

From fish-inspired bots that can swim under ships, to caninelike machines that can gallop up hills, here are five of the coolest, most capable robots out there. [Humanoid Robots to Flying Cars: 10 Coolest DARPA Projects]

1. Atlas unleashed

With their heavy torsos and skinny legs, two-legged robots are kind of clumsy. If you need proof, check out the blooper reel from this year's DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC), a humanoid-robot competition hosted by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

The Atlas robot was used by several of the finalists who competed in the DRC in June, including the Florida-based team that came in second place and the sixth place team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Though Atlas is a pretty good runner, the bot has room for improvement, according to Marc Raibert, Boston Dynamics' founder and a former professor at MIT and Carnegie Mellon University. (CMU).

In the video of Atlas running through the woods, Raibert said that Boston Dynamics engineers are working on getting Atlas off its tether, which connects the bot to the power source that keeps its hydraulic system pumping (and the bot moving). The bot's other power source — a lightweight, lithium-ion battery pack — currently lasts only for about an hour.

2. Snakes on an (inclined) plain

The Carnegie Mellon snake robot.

The Carnegie Mellon snake robot has finally mastered the art of slithering up a sandy slope.Credit: Nico Zevallos and Chaohui GongView full size image

To build robots capable of sliding into small spaces and slithering over rocky terrain, researchers at CMU turned to snakes for inspiration.

The modular snake robots created by CMU researchers can move their bodies in ways that humanoid robots would find troublesome. They crawl, they climb and some can even swim. But there was one thing that "snake bots" couldn't do very well until recently: climb up sandy slopes.

In 2014, a team of researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology teamed up with the Robotics Institute at CMU to study a creaturethat is very good at navigating sandy hills — the sidewinder rattlesnake (Crotalus cerastes) — and apply what they learned to CMU's modular robots. This collaboration resulted in a snake bot that can slither over sand just as well as it can move across dirt. The new-and-improved bot is now an even more promising robot for future search-and-rescue missions.

3. Man's best robot friend

There are a lot of robots out there that could pass as pets, but how about a giant, 160-lb. (73 kilograms) mechanical dog? That's how much Spot, Boston Dynamics' newest, canine-inspired robot weighs. Introduced earlier this year, Spot can jog up and down hills, navigate through trees and keep its footing on uneven terrain.

A screenshot from Boston Dynamics' latest YouTube video shows the company's four-legged robot, Spot, getting kicked in belly.Credit: Video screenshot, Boston DynamicsView full size image

And the robot has siblings. Spot's oldest brother, BigDog, is huge, tipping scales at about 240 lbs. (109 kg). And another Boston Dynamics four-legged bot, the LS3 robot, is just as big as BigDog, but it's a bit faster and quieter, making it a better tool for soldiers and others who need discreet mechanical "pets" to carry their gear.

Development of the LS3 bot was funded by DARPA and the U.S. Marine Corps, and the robot has a few battle-friendly features. For one thing, the dog bot doesn't need a driver; it automatically follows its leader using an onboard computer vision system. Capable of hauling up to 400 lbs. (180 kg) at a time, this robot can also be sent into the field without an escort. LS3 finds its way using internal GPS and terrain-sensing technology.

4. Mechanical kitties

Close up of cheetah robot.

The cheetah robot is powered by onboard electrical motors. Credit: Jose-Luis Olivares/MITView full size image

Speaking of pets, cat lovers needn't feel neglected by the apparent lack of feline-inspired robots; there are several catlike robots out there, and they all have special skills.

Boston Dynamics' Cheetah is the fasted legged robot in the world — it can run on a treadmill at speeds reaching 29 mph (47 km/h). This remotely powered bot has never proven itself outdoors. However, its slower cousin, WildCat, is capable of navigating outdoor terrain. Created for DARPA's Maximum Mobility Manipulation (M3) program, WildCat is designed to be agile and flexible, to help soldiers with a wide range of missions.

A colored soft robot quadruped walks at approximately 131 feet per hour (40 meters per hour).Credit: S. Morin, Harvard UniversityView full size image

MIT also designed a robot for DARPA's M3 program that can reach speeds of 10 mph (16 km/h). MIT's cheetah bot can leap over hurdles and doesn't need a tether to stay upright.

5. Futuristic fish

Another MIT robot made waves in 2014, after it demonstrated its swimming skills in an online video. Designed to swim just like a real fish, the autonomous bot is super flexible and fast, enabling it to turn on a dime. It's important for this robot to mimic a fish precisely because it was made to infiltrate schools of fish and collect environmental data that can be brought back to researchers.

Part of the robot fish's success is its soft body, which mimics the anatomy of a fine-boned fish. Other underwater bots, like Harvard University's octopus-inspired robots, take this design even further. Harvard's bots are made from stretchy plastics and rubbery silicone, and keep their shape thanks to compressed air that is pumped through their artificial limbs. The soft structure of "octobots" makes them well suited for swimming into small crevices.


机器人在行走! 5款真正能做到走路的机器人

DARPA's Atlas Robot

2015年8月31日上润下午3点○七ETRobots! 5机器人,可以真正Move 波士顿动力公司的类人型机器人,阿特拉斯,现在可以到处跑户外。

本月早些时候,谷歌与所有的机器人公司Boston Dynamics公司推出了仿人机器人的视频通过一个林中运行。该机器战警型机器人,名为阿特拉斯,吓坏了一些人,但镜头也有一些技术爱好者的欢呼声.


鱼灵感的机器人,可以在船舶游泳,caninelike机器可以驰骋上山,这里有五个最酷,最有能力的机器人在那里的。 [人形机器人飞行汽车:10最酷DARPA项目Humanoid Robots to Flying Cars: 10 Coolest DARPA Projects阿特拉斯解开了



阿特拉斯机器人使用的几个谁在竞争中入围刚果(金)六月,包括佛罗里达州的团队,排在第二位和第六位的球队,从麻省理工学院。虽然Atlas是一个相当不错的亚军,机器人有改进的余地,根据马克Raibert,波士顿动力公司的创始人,在麻省理工学院和卡耐基梅隆大学前教授。 (CMU).

在阿特拉斯穿过树林运行视频,Raibert说,Boston Dynamics公司的工程师正在努力让阿特拉斯了其系绳,该机器人连接,保持其液压系统泵浦动力源(和机器人移动)。该机器人的其它电源—一个轻量级的锂离子电池组—目前只持续了大约一个小时.


The Carnegie Mellon snake robot.




2014年,一个研究小组在佐治亚技术研究所联手与机器人研究所CMU来研究creaturethat非常善于导航沙质小山—响尾蛇响尾蛇(响尾蛇cerastes)—并学以致用,以中央结算系统的模块化机器人。这一合作产生了一个蛇形机器人能够在滑行沙子一样好,因为它可以在灰尘移动。新和 - 改进的机器人现在是一个更加有希望的机器人将来的搜索和救援任务.


有很多机器人在那里,可以通过作为宠物,但是怎么样一个巨大的,160磅。 (73千克)的机械狗吗?这是多少点,波士顿动力公司的最新,犬启发机器人的重量。今年早些时候推出,当场就可以上下点动小山,浏览树并保持其在崎岖地??形的基础。


和机器人有兄弟姐妹。现货的大哥,大狗,是巨大的,在大约240磅小费尺度。 (109公斤)。而另一位波士顿动力四条腿的机器人,该机器人LS3,是一样大的大狗,但它是一个有点更快更安静,使之成为谁需要谨慎机械及QUOT士兵和其他人一个更好的工具;宠物"随身携带自己的装备.


发展由DARPA和海军陆战队资助,机器人有一些战斗友好的功能。原因之一是,狗机器人并不需要驱动程序;它会自动遵循使用机载计算机视觉系统的领导者。牵引能力高达400磅。 (180千克)的时间,这个机器人还可以传送到现场没有保驾护航。 LS3发现使用内置GPS和地形感应技术.


Close up of cheetah robot.





一个彩色的软机器人四足大约走每小时131英尺(每小时40米) .Credit:S.莫兰哈佛大学UniversityView原图






机器鱼的成功的部分原因是它柔软的身体,它模仿了解剖细去骨鱼。其他水下机器人,像哈佛大学的章鱼风格的机器人,以此设计更进一步。哈佛大学的机器人是由弹性塑料和橡胶硅树脂制成,并保持它们的形状由于是通过他们的假肢抽压缩空气。的&QUOT软结构; octobots"使得它们非常适合游泳成小缝里.
