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来源:互联网    2015-11-17


June 18, 2012 05:10pm ETBaby Robot Learns First Words robots, technology Credit: University of Hertfordshire View full size image

From the age of 6 months to 14 months, most children experience one of the most important transformations they'll ever make: the transition from babbling in gibberish to speaking their first words.

Curious to see if they could teach a "baby" robot to speak in a similar process, a group of researchers from University of Hertfordshire programmed their humanoid iCub robot with nearly all of the syllables that exist in the English language (around 40,000).

Led by computer scientist Caroline Lyon, the team named their three-foot robot DeeChee, and had it participate in eight-minute dialogues with 34 people who acted as teachers. DeeChee was programmed to take turns listening and speaking, but also to detect positive feedback when it repeated syllables and words the teacher had used.

DeeChee used its own database to essentially repeat syllables that it heard. When DeeChee successfully repeated syllables, it recognized teacher's encouraging words and gave extra attention to the syllables that preceded the teacher's praise.

Eventually, by the end of the eight minute sessions, DeeChee began to utter real words more often than random syllables. Researchers focused on teaching DeeChee shapes and colors.

"This work shows the potential of human-robot interaction systems in studies of the dynamics of early language acquisition," Lyon wrote in her team's findings, published in PLoS ONE.

This  story was provided by Discovery News.



2012年6月18号下午五点10 ETBaby机器人可以学习一Words robots, technology贷:赫特福德郡查看原图



由计算机科学家卡罗琳里昂的带领下,球队命名其三足机器人DeeChee,并有其参加八分钟的对话与34人谁担任教师。 DeeChee被编程轮流听力和口语,还能检测出积极的反馈,当它反复音节和单词,老师曾使用.



u0026 QUOT;这项工作表明人机交互系统的早期语言习得的动态,与QUOT研究的??潜力;里昂说在她的研究小组的研究结果发表在PLoS ONE .??

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