Save 40% off the World’s Fastest Nano Drone
![]() You can pre-order the Axis Turbo-X for $45 with free delivery (orders start shipping in mid-July) If you thought that nano drones were downgraded versions of big drones, it is time to think again. The Axis Turbo-X can fly at 30 mph, with full 6-axis stabilization, and it currently has 40% off. To give you some sense of scale, the Turbo-X is small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. It is the fastest nano drone in the world, although newbies don’t have to fly at top speed — there are three gears for low, medium, and full power. The controls are precise even at speed, and you can pull pre-programmed flips and rolls at the push of a button. The drone’s built-in lithium ion battery charges in around 20 minutes, and it can power the Turbo-X for up to 7 minutes of flight. You can pre-order the Axis Turbo-X for $45 with free delivery (orders start shipping in mid-July). |
节省40%世界上最快的纳米飞行器节省40%的世界上最快的纳米drone![]() 你可以预先订购的轴turbo-x 45美元与免费送货(订单开始出货七月中旬) 如果你认为纳米无人机被降级,大飞机的版本,现在是时候重新思考。轴turbo-x可以飞行30英里,满6轴稳定,目前有40%。 给你某种规模的turbo-x是足够小,适合在你的手掌。它是世界上最快的纳米机器人,虽然新手不用飞的最高速度在有低、中三档,全功率。即使在速度控制精确,你可以预先编程的翻转,在按下一个按钮卷。无人机的内置的锂离子电池充电约20分钟,可长达7分钟的飞行turbo-x力量。
你可以预先订购的轴turbo-x 45美元与免费送货(订单开始出货七月中旬)。 |