Simon CrispAugust 16, 2013Sphero 2.0 rolls out faster and brighter than the original
![]() The Sphero 2.0 can roll along at an impressive 7 ft (2 m) per second Image Gallery (13 images)With the launch of the original Sphero, Orbotix gave the humble ball a technological upgrade. It was a smartphone-controllable robotic toy which could be driven around like an RC car via Bluetooth, or even used to play augmented reality games. Now the Sphero 2.0 has been revealed, which is capable of rolling faster, shining brighter, and is generally said to be much smarter. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() While Sphero 2.0 looks identical to its predecessor (well, it's always going to look like a ball), its makers say it has been completely re-configured under that polycarbonate shell. Working with iOS and Android devices, it features a more efficient transmission and a low center of gravity which means it can now roll along at an impressive 7 ft (2 m) per second. That's twice the speed of the original, and fast enough to mean you might break a sweat keeping up with it at full pelt. New multicolor LEDs also mean the Sphero 2.0 is three times as bright and can glow in more colors than the human eye can detect. But potentially the biggest change is a new user interface which means the robotic ball isn't capable of its full potential out of the box. Instead it gains speed and access to more LED lighting effects the more it's used, and the better it is controlled. Users can level-up either in the main Sphero app, or by playing other games. Suggesting that the Sphero 2.0 is targeted more at kids than the original, it will ship bundled with two small jump ramps for catching air and pulling stunts. Orbotix is also promoting the educational value of the device, pointing out that by programming the Sphero to perform tasks like rolling in a square shape on the ground, youngsters learn about things like angles, velocity and percentages.
While the original Sphero was already an impressive piece of kit, it was somewhat let down by a lack of app support, something Orbotix addressed by releasing the Sphero API and SDK. As a result there are now more than 25 compatible games on iTunes and Google Play. These include augmented reality games, programing and educational titles, multiplayer offerings and handheld games where the Sphero is used as a controller. The fully-waterproof Sphero 2.0 comes with an induction charger, and is said to be good for one hour of playing on a three-hour charge. An optional knobby protective cover called Nubby is available and gives the Sphero more grip on off-road surfaces or in the water. The Sphero 2.0 is available for pre-order now and will be in stores from the end of the month at a price of US$130. A "Sphero 2.0 Revealed" version, which features transparent sections on the cover to display the inner workings, will be available exclusively from the Apple Store for the same price. Here's a video showing the Sphero 2.0 in all its glory … and jumping through the odd flaming hoop. Source: GoSphero ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Sphero 2.0比旧版滚动更轻快西蒙crispaugust 16,2013sphero 2推出的速度更快,比original![]() Sphero 2可以在一个令人印象深刻的7英尺(2米)每秒 图像画廊(13张)用原始球的推出,orbotix给卑微的球技术升级。这是一个智能手机可以控制的机器人玩具,它可以像一个钢筋混凝土车通过蓝牙,甚至用来玩增强现实游戏。现在,Sphero 2已被发现,这是能够滚动更快、更明亮,一般是说要聪明得多。
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 当Sphero 2看起来其前身相同的(嗯,那总是会看起来像一个球),它的制造者说它有已完全重新配置下,聚碳酸酯外壳。与iOS和Android设备,它具有一个更有效的传输和低重力,这意味着它可以卷在一个令人印象深刻的7英尺(2米)中心每秒。这是在原来的速度,速度不够快,意味着你可能出汗跟上全速。
新多色LED也意味着球2是三倍,能发出更多的颜色比人类的眼睛可以分辨。但潜在的最大的变化是一个新的用户界面,这意味着该机器人球是不能够充分的潜力,从盒子里。相反,它的速度和获得更多的照明效果,它的使用,并更好地控制。用户可以水平在主要球APP,或玩其他游戏。 提示Sphero 2是针对孩子较原始,它将船捆绑捕捉空气拉两小跳坡道特技。orbotix也促进装置的教育价值,指出通过编程Sphero执行任务像滚在一个方形的地面上,了解青少年像角度、速度和百分比。
在原来的球已经是一个令人印象深刻的一件工具,它是有些由于缺乏应用程序支持放下,什么orbotix释放球的API和SDK的解决。作为一个结果,现在有25多个兼容的游戏在iTunes和谷歌播放。这些措施包括增强现实游戏,编程教育,游戏发行和掌上游戏机,球作为控制器。 完全防水Sphero 2自带的感应充电器,据说是一个小时玩一三个小时的充电好。一个可选的多节的防护罩被称为块状可给出球越野路面或在水中更多的抓地力。 Sphero 2预购现在将在商店从月底售价130美元。“Sphero 2显示”版本,具有透明部分的封面上显示的内部运作,将完全以同样的价格苹果商店可用。 这里有一个视频展示了Sphero 2在其所有的荣耀…跳通过奇火圈。< / P > 来源:gosphero ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |