Paul RiddenMay 31, 2010The Boogie Board LCD note pad
![]() The Boogie Board is a multi-purpose paper replacement LCD note pad which uses novel technology to retain a drawn image without any power Image Gallery (6 images)If you need something a little more responsive and modern than an Etch-a-Sketch and can't wait for a Scribble to break cover, then perhaps the Boogie Board can help. The pressure-sensitive LCD display requires no power to retain an image, and is ideal for virtually any task that requires a temporary note to be taken. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Improv Electronics has calculated that trillions of sheets of paper could be saved if the Boogie Board was used instead of note pads by a whole age group of U.S. school children for the life of the device (over 50,000 screen erasures). The 8.8 x 5.6 x 0.125 inch, 4.2 ounce writing tablet sports a writing surface equivalent to about half a sheet of letter-size paper, and can retain scribed text or images without power until the user hits erase.
When not in use, modules suspended in the surface of the display technology are arranged to allow the dark plastic background to show through. When pressure is applied, it alters the state of the modules and causes them to reflect light - appearing as white lines on the reflective, pressure-sensitive, plastic LCD surface. Line width is proportional to the amount of pressure applied and users can draw with a variety of objects to achieve different line shapes, including a finger, stiff paint brush or the included stainless steel telescopic stylus.
To erase a note, memo, message, list or doodle, a user simply presses the erase button. This sends a small electric charge through the modules and effectively resets the display. The device works on a sealed 3V watch battery but the company is looking at ways to make the product battery free, such as including photovoltaic cells. A special polymer hardcoat has been applied to the writing surface to prevent scratches, making the device robust enough for daily use as a multi-purpose paper replacement. Although beautifully simple, the Boogie Board does have a couple of drawbacks. If a mistake is made, it's not possible to just erase a part of the screen. The user is faced with starting all over again or just crossing through. The current version is also unable to save content for future recall. Both issues are being looked at, with selective erase and onboard or external save functions possibly making it through to future design revisions. The Boogie Board is available now for US$39.95. |
Boogie Board LCD电子黑板保罗riddenmay 31,2010年的冲浪板液晶注意pad![]() 冲浪板是一种多用途纸更换液晶笔记本采用新的技术来保持一个绘制图像没有任何权力 图像画廊(6张)如果你需要什么东西比打游戏机更敏感的和现代的,不要等待一个潦草的破盖,然后也许冲浪板可以帮助。液晶显示器的压敏不需要电力来保持形象,是理想的几乎任何任务需要临时注意采取。
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 即兴电子计算纸上万亿如果可以将冲浪板保存代替笔记本的整个美国学校的孩子的年龄组为生命的装置(超过50000屏擦除)。8.8 x 5.6 x 0.125英寸,4.2盎司的写字板运动书写表面约等于半张信纸大小的纸,并能保留了文本或图像没有权力直到用户点击删除。
擦掉笔记,备忘录,短信,列表或涂鸦,用户只需按下删除按钮。这发出了一个小的电荷通过模块有效地重置显示。设备工作在3V电池密封手表但公司正在做产品电池免费的方式,如包括光伏电池。一种特殊的聚合物膜已应用于书写表面防止划伤,使设备足够强大,日常使用多用途纸更换。 虽然简单,冲浪板也有几个缺点。如果犯了错误,就不可能把屏幕上的一部分。用户将面临重新开始或只是穿越。当前版本还无法为将来的回忆保存内容。问题是被看,选择性擦除和机载或外部保存功能可能是通过对未来的设计修改。 冲浪板现已为39.95美元。 |