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来源:互联网    2015-12-18


Simon CrispJuly 20, 2014LeapFrog outs the Wii and Kinect-inspired LeapTV games console for kids

The LeapFrog LeapTV is a games console for 3-8 year-olds

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Following on from its LeapPad tablets, LeapFrog is introducing the LeapTV games console specifically for younger kids. The new system is designed to encourage learning through active play, and will have access to a library of over 100 educational titles.

Aimed at 3-8 year-olds, the LeapTV has been designed to be easy to control. It uses a simple UI and audio instructions (for those who haven't mastered reading yet) along with a combination of a Kinect-esque motion-sensing camera and Wii-like motion controllers to put children into the games. This allows three modes of play, Body Motion, Pointer Play, and Classic Controller.

In Body Motion mode, the motion-sensing camera incorporates a child's movement into the game as they dance, jump and kick. Pointer Play games use motion controllers and their LED pointers to convert movement into gameplay, similar to the Wii. Meanwhile, in Classic Controller mode the transforming controller is folded to resemble a more traditional games controller with an analogue stick and buttons.

The LeapFrog LeapTV, connects to a TV via HDMI, and is capable of outputting HD 720p footage. The motion-sensing camera attaches via USB and the motion controllers use Bluetooth. While the console can use game cartridges, it also boasts 16 GB of internal storage, along with Wi-Fi and an Ethernet port, for downloading games and apps from the LeapFrog Learning Library, which is where most of the 100-plus games will be found.

This brings us onto the game selection. While users shouldn't expect to play the likes of Mario Kart 8 on the LeapTV, there will be faces and brands familiar to anyone under the age of seven, and their parents. That's because many of the educator-approved games use characters like Disney's Sofia the First and Jake, of Never Land Pirates fame. There will also be games featuring the gang from Toy Story, Monsters Inc, Spiderman and LeapFrog's own library of characters.

The main focus of LeapTV games is the educational element. That could mean gamers using movement in sports games to answer maths questions, or controlling characters while learning about reading or science. LeapFrog says the games can be set to offer children the right level of challenge for their age or level, and will then automatically adjust as they get better.

The LeapTV system will be available later this year (in time for lists to Santa) for a price of US$150. Game cartridges will set you back $30, while downloadable games and apps start at $5.

You can check out the LeapTV in the promotional video below.

Product page: LeapTV



leapfrog奏Wii和Kinect LeapTV游戏控制台的启发kids

越级LeapTV是3-8岁的< / P >图像画廊,一个游戏机(5张)

针对3-8岁的LeapTV已被设计为易于控制。它使用一个简单的用户界面和语音指令(对于那些没有掌握阅读)随着结合Kinect式的运动感应相机和Wii的运动控制器来把孩子的游戏。这允许三种游戏模式,身体运动,指针游戏,经典控制器。< /对人体运动模式,运动感测相机融合了一个孩子的运动,他们跳舞,跳跃和踢。指针玩游戏使用运动控制器和LED指针将移动到游戏,类似于Wii。同时,在传统的控制模式转换控制器折叠像一个模拟棒和按钮更传统的游戏控制器。

越级LeapTV,通过HDMI连接电视,并能够输出720p高清录像。运动感应相机的高度通过USB和运动控制器使用蓝牙。在控制台可以使用游戏卡,它还拥有16 GB的内部存储,随着Wi-Fi和一个以太网端口,从跨越式学习图书馆下载游戏和应用程序,这是在大多数的100场比赛将被发现。

< P >这让我们在游戏的选择。当用户不希望玩马里奥赛车8在LeapTV的喜欢,也会面临和品牌熟悉的人年龄在七岁以下,和他们的父母。这是因为许多教育工作者认可的游戏人物像迪斯尼的索菲亚第一和杰克,永远地海盗名声。也会有游戏的团伙从玩具总动员,怪兽公司,蜘蛛侠和人物跨越自己的图书馆。




