关键词:竞技无人机,Flow State Tantrum,虚拟现实眼镜,飞行模拟器,
来源:互联网 2015-12-18
By Tekla Perry8 Jun 2015 15:12 GMTIs Drone Racing the Next Consumer Fad? Game of Drones Hopes So
![]() Marque Cornblatt, CEO of San Francisco-based Game of Drones, sees a lot of “pain points” in today’s drones. (In startup speak, “pain points” means “problems”.) They’re expensive, they’re hard to learn to fly, and they’re fragile, he says. So last year, Game of Drones got a hard-to-destroy drone body (with no motor or electronics on board) to market via a successful Kickstarter campaign. This drone kit was targeted at hobbyists who know enough about drones to build them, and wanted to engage in drone combat—or at least not have to repair their drones after crashes. The drone body sells for $140. The company then added complete build-a-drone kits for $400 to $700 to its offerings. Next year, Game of Drones will move beyond kits for do-it-yourselfers and bring out a ready-to-fly racing drone, Cornblatt said last week, speaking to a crowd of investors, journalists, and other entrepreneurs attending the Highway 1 accelerator’s demo day. The Flow State Tantrum, or FST, will be designed for people who want to use a drone right out of the box. The under-$500 gadget will have a built-in camera that sends video to a handheld controller or to virtual reality glasses; the viewpoint will make the user feel like he’s in the drone’s cockpit, Cornblatt says. The controller will have all the smarts needed to set up and operate the drone—no separate computer necessary. And the system will require the user to complete a series of “flight school” lessons before turning over complete control, so “you don’t immediately crash your drone onto the White House lawn,” he says. A flight simulator built into the controller will allow drone enthusiasts to practice their flying skills without even putting the drone into the air. Cornblatt thinks drone racing, and other drone games, are going to be a huge market, and may even turn drone gaming into a spectator sport, as has happened with video gaming, or “e-sports.” Cornblatt had mockups of the FST on hand at Highway 1’s demo day, but refused to let them be photographed; they are smaller than Game of Drones current models, measuring 280 mm (about 11 inches) across. The company expects the FST to be officially introduced this fall. |
为了让无人机更耐“斗”,Game of Drones要打造一台“坚不可摧”的无人机is无人驾驶赛车未来消费时尚吗?游戏无人机希望so![]() 品牌康布拉特游戏,三藩的CEO的游戏为基础的无人机,看到很多的“痛点”在今天的无人机。(在启动时说,“痛点”是“问题”。)他们’再贵,他们';再难学飞,他们’是脆弱的,他说。 去年,游戏无人机有硬摧毁无人机体(船上没有汽车或电子)通过一个成功的Kickstarter的运动市场。这种无人机的套件是针对爱好者知道 ;足够的关于无人机的建设,和想从事无人机作战—或至少没有崩溃后修复他们的无人机。该无人机的售价为140美元。公司随后补充完成build-a-drone包为400美元至700美元的产品。 明年,游戏无人机将超越 ;包DIY ;并提出了飞行准备赛车的嗡嗡声,康布拉特上周说,跟一群投资者、记者和其他企业家参加公路1加速器’的演示日。流动状态的发脾气,或FST,会设计的人谁想要使用 ;无人机开箱。 下500美元的设备将有一个内置的摄像头,将视频发送给手持控制器或虚拟现实眼镜;的观点会使用户觉得他';在无人机’的驾驶舱,康布拉特说。控制器将所有的智慧需要设置和操作无人机—没有必要单独的计算机。然后系统会要求用户完成一系列的“飞行学校”之前完全控制的教训,所以“你不立即崩溃你的无人机;在白宫的草坪上,”他说。飞行模拟器内置的控制器将允许无人机爱好者练习飞行技巧甚至没有 ;把无人机进入空气。 康布拉特认为无人驾驶赛车,和其他无人机的比赛,将是一个巨大的市场,甚至可能把无人机的游戏变成一个旁观者,如发生与视频游戏,或“电子竞技。” 康布拉特有样机的FST手头上1号公路’的演示日,但拒绝让他们拍照;他们比无人机 游戏;电流模型,测量280毫米(约11英寸)在。 ;该公司预计,FST是正式介绍这个秋天。 ; |