December 12, 2014Autonomous sub explores the depths on its own
![]() The MOS/AUV approaches a target at Okayama University Although it's tempting to refer to vehicle in the photo above as an ROV – a Remote-Operated Vehicle – the whole idea behind it is that it doesn't require an operator. Created by a team at Japan's Okayama University, the MOS/AUV (Move on Sensing/Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) is designed to find its own way along the bottom of the sea or a lake, performing various tasks as it does so. The craft's Move on Sensing system combines 3D stereoscopic computer vision with conventional sonar technology. According to the university's Prof. Mamoru Minami, this combination allows it to "search, track and pinpoint" underwater objects within an accuracy of 5 mm – although he hopes to reduce that figure to 0.5 mm. The MOS/UAV can even follow objects that are moving at up to 10 mm/second, as might be the case if they were being carried by currents. It is hoped that ultimately the vehicle could be used for applications such as removing radioactive material from underwater locations, exploring for minerals, maintaining telecommunications cables, and environmental monitoring. The MOS system could also conceivably be applied to spacecraft. In pool tests so far, it has successfully located and approached a target consisting of a 7 cm (2.8 inch)-wide ring, intended to simulate an underwater recharging base for the vehicle. It did so by tracking "optical induction markers" on the target, then using algorithms to match those markers up with points on 3D computer models of the target. Needless to say, its real-world targets typically won't be equipped with such markers. One of its pool exercises can be seen in the video below. Source: Okayama University |
的MOS AUV深处接近目标,在冈山大学
虽然这是很有诱惑力指车辆的照片上面的ROV - 远程-Operated车辆 - 其背后的整个想法是,它不要求操作者。创建者队在日本冈山大学,MOS AUV(移动在传感
的在传感系统工艺的移动融合了3D立体计算机视觉与传统声纳技术。据该大学的教授卫南,这样的组合使得它为5毫米的精度内“搜索,跟踪和查明”水下物体 - 尽管他希望减少这一数字至0.5毫米
的MOS 无人机甚至可以跟随被移动在高达10毫米
在池试验??,到目前为止,它已成功地找到并且接近组成的7厘米(2.8英寸) - 宽环靶,目的是模拟水下充电基座的车辆。它这样做是通过在目标跟踪“光感应标记”,然后使用算法来匹配这些标记与目标的三维计算机模型百分点。
来源:冈山大学 |