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来源:互联网    2015-11-17


June 28, 2011 10:44am ETRobots Learn Language to Navigate Tough Situations Robots, Language & Learning Linguist Jeff Heinz and mechanical engineer Bert Tanner are teaching robots about cooperative behavior, by observing how children learn to communicate and how adults learn new languages.  

Linguist Jeff Heinz and mechanical engineer Bert Tanner are teaching robots about cooperative behavior, by observing how children learn to communicate and how adults learn new languages. Credit: NSF View full size image

Equipping robots with language and learning capabilities could take some of the heat off human handlers, enabling the robots to navigate tough tasks in small groups.

The ability to communicate with others could help the robots in dangerous situations, where they can work in teams to navigate building fires or other disasters. If they can learn and communicate with each other, they could take action without needing a human to give commands.

Now, University of Delaware researchers are designing robot language and learning capabilities based on the complex rules that human language follows. They are teaching robots to communicate using their own kind of sentences, which string together actions the robot performs in a certain order; for example, the robot can't drop a ball until it has first picked on up.

"So a robot's 'sentence' in a sense, is just a sequence of actions that it is conducting," said Jeffrey Heinz, a linguist at the University of Delaware. "And there will be constraints on the kinds of sequences of actions that a robot can do."

Communication between robots gives them an ability to learn about their environments and other robots, if they catalogue this incoming information. "We would like to make the robots adaptive — learn about their environment and reconfigure themselves based on the knowledge they acquire," explains researcher Bret Tanner, also of the University of Delaware.

Each robot would have different abilities and follow a different set of rules, so the robots could work together to accomplish tasks.Each robot would play to its talents and strengths. Ultimately, the robots will need to be aware of their own capabilities, those of the other robots around them and the overall goal of their mission.

"We have eyes that see, ears that hear and we have fingers that touch. We don’t have a 'universal sensory organ,'" Heinz said. "Likewise in the robotics world, we're not going to design a universal robot that's going to be able to do anything and everything."



2011年6月28日上午10时44分ETRobots学语到导航艰难的情况下机器人,语言和放大器; Learning Linguist Jeff Heinz and mechanical engineer Bert Tanner are teaching robots about cooperative behavior, by observing how children learn to communicate and how adults learn new languages.





因此,在某种意义上机器人的“一句话”,是行动,它正在进行,与只是一个序列;杰弗里说亨氏,语言学家在特拉华大学。 ;以及将有约束的各种动作序列,机器人可以做;机器人之间



的总体目标;我们眼睛看到的,耳朵听到的,我们有手指的那一抹。我们不’ t有一个“普遍的感觉器官,海因茨说。;同样,在机器人世界,我们不会设计一个通用的机器人将是能够做任何事情,一切
