关键词:Unimog U 400,Vampire GT,World Community Grid项目
来源:互联网 1970-01-01
Eric MackJune 26, 2012LEGO Creations - Ten of Our Favorites (Gallery)
The LEGO Technic Unimog U 400 is the largest LEGO Technic model ever released Image Gallery (23 images)Even the most complex things in our universe start with small building blocks, and in the universe of LEGO you can take that truism literally. Between traditional LEGOs, LEGO Technic parts and some third-party LEGO-inspired projects, we've seen some truly amazing creations built up from the foundation of those little plastic blocks. Here's a visual look at ten of our favorites. Click through the gallery for a brief tour of the LEGO-built world, from supercars to bones and organs to barrel organs. Below are just a few to whet your appetite. This "Vampire GT" Supercar consists of almost 2,000 pieces and includes a full transmission. This LEGO-bodied PC by Mike Schropp is a 12-core PC setup consisting of three systems in a single box made of LEGO, with its computing power being donated to medical research and humanitarian projects via IBM's World Community Grid project. This barrel organ is constructed from 20,000 LEGO pieces and plays the Star Wars theme when manually cranked. Ben Fogle used LEGOs to recreate the 15th-century Inca site, Machu Picchu. 11 |
乐高创作 - 十大至美作品埃里克mackjune 26,2012lego创作-十我们的最爱(画廊)乐高技术Unimog U 400是乐高最大的技术模型曾经发布
这个“吸血鬼GT”跑车由近2000件,包括一个完整的传输。 乐高体PC由迈克施罗普是12核电脑安装三系统组成的一个盒子由乐高,它的计算能力被捐给医学研究和人道主义项目通过IBM的全球社区网格项目。 这桶器官是由20000块乐高和玩星球大战主题时,手动曲柄。 Ben Fogle用积木再现第十五世纪的印加遗址马丘比丘。 11 |