来源:互联网 2015-12-18
Natalie ShoemakerAug. 24, 2015 1:01 pmMicrosoft wants to shock users into reading their email
![]() Microsoft just filed a shocking patent late last week for a “wearable computer having a skin-stimulating interface,” or in layman’s terms, a smartwatch. The paper describes the device as being capable of “providing electrical stimuli to the skin of a user to convey information to the user.” So, yeah, Microsoft may one day decide to sell consumers a notification device that delivers electric shocks. Patents have become a kind of circus show where every idea from nightmarish, always-watching stuffed animals to goggles that detect emotion (so you don’t have to) are getting filed with the US patent office. But Microsoft just wants to make sure it has a masochistic device in its back pocket, just in case one day consumers start demanding it. The paper expands on the capabilities of this shock device, which can provide a different number of electrical stimulation “based on the notification signal to inform the user of the occurrence of the event.” These jolts aren’t limited to email or SMS notifications, though, the device can even give directions, shocking to the right or left. The last bit of puzzling information, other than why a massive consumer audience would want this device, is the device can make a user aware of the “condition of clothing that is worn by the user.” Perhaps Microsoft thinks that some people need electrical stimulation in order to wash their clothes. It’s uncertain. The concept of shocking consumers for them to pay more mind to their devices isn’t new. A while back Motorola thought buzzing was too weak —?it wanted to shock its users. It’s hard to tell if companies are just trolling tech journalists at this point, but they’ll never tell. |
微软新专利用电击方式告诉您来新通知了microsoft一时想冲击用户阅读他们的email![]() 微软刚刚提出一个令人震惊的专利上周晚些时候,一个与# 8220;可穿戴计算机具有皮肤刺激的界面,与# 8221;或在外行和# 8217;S,智能手表。本文介绍了该设备能够与# 8220;对用户向用户传达信息提供电刺激皮肤。与# 8221;所以,是的,微软可能有一天决定出售消费者通知装置提供电击。
专利已经成为一个种的马戏表演里的每一个想法从噩梦般的,总是看动物标本的护目镜,发现情感(所以你不# 8217;不必)正在向美国专利局。但微软只是想确保它在口袋里一个受虐狂的装置,万一有一天,消费者开始要求它。 本文扩展的能力这种冲击的装置,它可以提供不同数量的电刺激和# 8220;基于通知信通知用户事件的发生。与# 8221;这些颠簸并# 8217;不限于电子邮件或短信通知,不过,该设备甚至可以指点,令人震惊的左边或右边。 最后一点令人费解的信息,除了为什么大规模消费受众希望这个设备,设备是可以让用户知道的和# 8220;条件的服装,佩带的。与# 8221;也许微软认为有些人需要电刺激才能洗衣服。这# 8217;不确定。 概念冲击消费者他们更想他们的设备不是# 8217;新。不久前摩托罗拉认为嗡嗡太弱和# 8212;?它想让它的用户震惊。这# 8217;很难说如果公司只是控制技术记者在这一点上,但他们# 8217;永远不会说的。 |