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关键词:办公室玩具Nerf枪Parrot AR DroneWicked Lasers等离子球

来源:互联网    2015-12-18


Russell HollyOct. 3, 2013 2:14 pmGeek Gear: 4 badass office toys that will improve any workplaceVIEW PHOTO GALLERY

Every office needs the proper tools. When you’re in between projects, waiting for code to compile, or the boss is on vacation and you need to blow off some steam, you should have the proper tools handy to deal with the non-task at hand. Whatever the occasion, there’s a handful of things that every office needs to make the most out of this all too infrequent goof off time. What you need are some badass office toys, and we’ve got four of the best out there.

Check out the gallery above for a visual walkthrough, or read on below for out justification of these weighty claim of awesomeness.

Suction cup, full foam jacket

This first in the list is a must-have, no matter what you do for a living. These aren’t just toys, they are survival tools critical to making it through the work day. Nerf guns — no matter how big or small — should be tucked away just in case you need to send a message or break an uncomfortable silence.

You can get single shot Nerf weapons for under $10, and enough ammo to keep you going even after the office manager comes and confiscates a few rounds. If you’re in a more entrenched combat situation, heavy duty Nerf weaponry gets a little pricey. That’s before you get into the deep, dark world of Nerf modding to optimize firing speed or effective range. Nerf weaponry is the best place to start, and if you don’t have one at your desk already you should really get to it.

The drone wars

Next up on the “must have” list is some kind of remote controlled distraction. Something that makes just enough noise to bother everyone in the office, but when they stop and look at what you are doing the mood changes from annoyed to amused. The best thing for most offices to accomplish this is the Parrot AR Drone. It’s a torso-sized quadcopter than can be driven with just about any smartphone or tablet in the office, so anyone can pick it up and enjoy themselves.

The AR Drone comes with a mounted camera that you can use to record whatever is going on over with the guys on the other side of the office, all controlled from within the app. There’s a padded casing that protects it from smacking into anything or anyone while flying it around indoors, and you can remove this padding when you take it outside and get a little more creative in flying it around. It’s hard to imagine a good reason not to have one of these in the office.

Warriors of light

The next item on our list of awesome office toys is equal parts dangerous and incredible. Sometimes you have a little more time to kill than others, and in those situations it’s great to dim the lights and bust out the 1W super laser from Wicked Lasers. They make this lightsaber-sized lasers in multiple colors, and even on their lowest setting they are bright enough to cause damage to the eyes. It’s best to use the special glasses that come with this laser, but once you do there’s all kinds of fun to be had.

As long as you aren’t accidentally setting things on fire, you can create some really cool light shows even in broad daylight. Also, Wicked Lasers sells and actual lightsaber attachment, allowing you to stroll through the office and demonstrate your clear dominance over the rest of the keyboard monkeys.

Magic plasma ball

Finally, there’s a piece of your childhood that really belongs in your office. Something that every single person you know would smile as they interacted with it, no matter what was going on. You can play with it when you’re on the phone, or when you’re in between tasks. The immortal Plasma Ball is something that adds fun to every office setting. They are almost always inexpensive, unless you opt for a larger version, and many of them are even USB powered now. They could be used as desk accessories or water cooler silliness. It’s one of those things that is almost always considered harmless fun, and way less likely to get you in trouble than the other things on our list.

There’s no shortage of other interesting and amusing things to have around the office, and thankfully very few of them have anything to do with getting actual work done.



每个办公室需要合适的工具。当你# 8217;再在项目之间,等待程序进行编译,或者老板去度假了,你需要发泄一下,你应该有适当的工具,方便在手与非任务处理。不管是什么场合,有# 8217;的一些东西,每个办公室需要充分利用这个非常罕见的偷懒时间。你需要的是一些坏蛋办公室玩具,和我们# 8217;有四个最好的了。



第一列表中是必不可少的,无论你是做什么的。这些都与# 8217;不只是玩具,他们是生存的工具,通过一天的工作的关键。Nerf枪和# 8212;不管大或小# 8212;应该藏好,以防万一你需要发送一个消息或打破尴尬的沉默。

你可以得到单次削弱武器不足10美元,和足够的弹药,让你即使在办公室经理来没收了几轮。如果你# 8217;在更为根深蒂固的作战态势,重型武器有点昂贵的削弱。这# 8217;S在你进入深,黑暗的世界被改装为优化射击速度和有效范围。Nerf的武器是最开始的地方,如果你不# 8217;没有一个在你的办公桌已经你应该得到它。

next上与# 8220;必须与# 8221;列表是一种远程控制的分心。这让办公室里的每个人都有足够的噪音来打扰大家,但是当他们停下来看看你正在做的是什么心情改变的时候,你会很开心。最好的事情是大多数办公室来完成这是鹦鹉无人机。这# 8217;的躯干大小的直升机可以驱动只是在办公室的任何智能手机或平板电脑,所以任何人都可以把它捡起来,享受自己。

AR无人机配备了一个摄像头,你可以使用记录的事情与人在对方的办公室,从应用程序中的所有控制。有8217的#;填充套管,防止撞到任何人或任何事而飞在室内,你可以删除这个填充,当你把它和外面飞在得到更多一点创意。这# 8217;很难想象一个很好的理由不在办公室有一个。

the下一项我们可怕的办公室玩具名单的战士是相等的部分危险和令人难以置信的。有时你有更多一点的时间来杀死的人比其他人在这种情况下它# 8217;昏暗的灯光和掏出1W超级激光从邪恶的激光器的大。他们使这个光剑大小的多种颜色的激光,甚至在他们的最低设置他们很聪明,足以造成对眼睛的伤害。这# 8217;最好使用到这种激光器的特殊眼镜,但一旦你有# 8217;的各种乐趣都可以。

只要你# 8217;不小心放火,你可以创造一些真正的冷光显示甚至在光天化日之下。同时,邪恶的激光器销售和实际光剑的附件,让您漫步在办公和展示在键盘的猴子的休息你的明显优势。

最后,有# 8217;的一块你的童年,真的是在你的办公室。每一个你认识的人都会微笑,因为他们与它互动,无论发生什么事。你可以玩它,当你# 8217;再打电话,或者当你# 8217;再在任务之间。不朽的等离子球是一件有趣的事情,每一个办公室设置。他们几乎都是廉价的,除非你选择一个更大的版本,他们中的很多人现在甚至USB供电。它们可以用作书桌配件或水冷却器的愚蠢。这# 8217;S的事情之一,几乎总是被认为是无害的娱乐方式,而找你麻烦,可能比我们名单上的其他东西少。

有# 8217;S不乏其他有趣的、好玩的东西都在办公室,谢天谢地很少有人有什么要做的实际工作。

