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来源:互联网    2015-08-20


2015-05-09 16:30:25 UTCRaspberry Pi 2: How to build a 3D-printed bow tie spy camera [REVIEW]By Raymond Wong2015-05-09 16:30:25 UTC

Mashable Choicehighlights the products and services we've tested andwould recommend to others. Consider it Liked, Favorited, +1'ed and Pinned.

Inspiring a new generation of tinkerers and programmers is what the Raspberry Pi, a tiny DIY computer that fits in the palm of your hand, is all about.

A simple Google search brings up thousands of cool Pi projects and hacks; people love the little $35 computer. To date, more than 5 million units have been sold since the Pi debuted three years ago. A handful of different models exist now, but the spirit remains the same: Go out and hack it into something awesome.

See also: 17 simple tool hacks to help you nail any project

Earlier this year, the Raspberry Pi Foundation released the Pi 2 with a 900MHz quad-core processor, which is six times more powerful than the original Pi. The Pi 2's also got double the RAM (1GB) and four USB 2.0 ports, two more than before (though none are USB 3.0).

It's really a PC

At the most basic level, the Pi 2 is a functional PC. Load an operating system onto a memory card, connect it to a TV or computer monitor with an HDMI cable, plug in a wired USB keyboard and mouse, attach an Ethernet cable, add a Micro USB cable to a power source, and you'll be surfing the Internet in no time.

It can work with a wireless Bluetooth keyboard and mouse and connect to the Internet over Wi-Fi, but you’ll need to buy a Bluetooth receiver and Wi-Fi USB adapter in order to do so.

As a computer, the Pi 2 is about as powerful as a netbook. (Remember those?) It's underpowered and you can't really juggle more than a few tabs in a web browser — but it all works, as long as you're willing to wait a few seconds longer for things to load.

Time for some fun

The Pi is all about getting your hands messy and wrangling with a little (or a lot) of code. I set out to do something fun with the Pi 2.

One of my all-time favorite Pi projects is this Pi-powered, voice-controlled, face-tracking R2-D2:

But my dreams were crushed when I couldn’t find any instructions online, and I’m not savvy enough to draft up my own design. Not to mention, I only had a $50 working budget to buy parts outside of the Pi 2 itself.

After sidelining the Pi 2 for a few months, I finally decided to make a 3D-printed spy camera bow tie inspired by this Make: project. It's techie, geeky and a conversation starter. Win, win, win.

You can build your own spy camera bow tie by following the step-by-step guide in the gallery below:

How to: Raspberry Pi 2-powered, 3D-printed bow tie spy cameraDiy-spy-bowtie-1Gather your supplies

Here's a list of everything you'll need to build your own Raspberry Pi 2-powered bow tie spy cam: portable battery pack, microSD card with SD card adapter, Wi-Fi adapter, Ethernet cable, Micro USB cable, Raspberry Pi 2, 3D-printed bow tie (you can swap this from other materials if you want to) and Raspberry Pi camera module.

Image: Luke Leonard/MashableDiy-spy-bowtie-2Step 1: Install motionPie software

The Raspberry Pi 2 is a computer, but it doesn't have any software to control it. For this project, you'll need to download motionPie from here and unzip it. Take your microSD card and insert it into an SD card adapter, and then insert it into your computer. PC users can use Wind32DiskImager and Mac users can use ApplePi-Baker to "burn" motionPie to the memory card.

Image: Luke Leonard/MashableDiy-spy-bowtie-3Step 2: Plugging in the hardware

The next step is to connect all the cables. Plug in the Ethernet cable and Wi-Fi USB adapter.

Image: Luke Leonard/MashableDiy-spy-bowtie-5Step 3: Connect the camera

Insert the Pi Camera Module's ribbon cable into the camera port (it's right next to the HDMI port and labeled "Camera")

Image: Luke Leonard/MashableDiy-spy-bowtie-6Step 4: Give it some power

Connect a Micro USB cable and connect to a portable battery pack or power adapter. (If you own a phone charger, that'll work perfectly.)

Image: Luke Leonard/MashableScreen-shot-2015-04-20-at-10-49-50-amStep 5: Wi-Fi setup

With the Ethernet cable connected to the Pi 2 and your router, use the Fing app for iOS and Android to find out what the Pi 2's IP address is. It should show up as "Raspberry Pi Foundation" in the app.

Once you've got the IP address, type that into your web browser (make sure it's on the same Internet network) and then click the key icon in the upper left.

From there, click under "Network" and toggle Wireless Network to "On." In the "Wireless Network Name" box enter your Wi-Fi network and in the "Wireless Network Key" box enter the password for it.

Unplug the Ethernet cable from the Pi 2. Open the Fing app again and this time look for the IP address for the Wi-Fi adapter. Our Wi-Fi adapter is made by Edimax, so it shows up as "Edimax Technology." Use this new IP address to log into your wirelessly-enabled Pi 2.

Image: Screenshot/MashableRaspberry-pi-diy-3d-printStep 6: 3D print your bow tie

Find a 3D bow tie design (we used this one from Thingiverse and then scaled it to a larger size. Use a 3D printer (we used a MakerBot) to 3D-print your bow tie.

Image: Raymond Wong/MashableDiy-spy-bowtie-7Step 7: Attach camera module to bow tie

Since we 3D-printed out our bow tie, we needed some sticky putty to attach the camera module. You can use tape or glue if you want.

Image: Luke Leonard/MashableDiy-spy-bowtie-13Step 8: Test your new creation

Navigate to the Raspberry Pi 2's IP address from Step 5 on a computer or phone to see if the camera works.

Image: Luke Leonard/MashableDiy-spy-bowtie-14Step 9: Wear your bow tie!

Hide all of the components inside of your shirt and snake the micro USB cable attached to the battery pack into your pants pocket. Nerd out!

Image: Luke Leonard/MashableThe DIY spirit is strong

This was my first Pi project, and after finishing it, I must admit: It was a lot of fun.

As a kid, I used to open my dad's VCR, cassette tape player and radios, and then try to "fix" them by putting them back together after disassembly.

Raspberry Pi 2 bow tie spy camera

With the $35 Raspberry Pi, we built 3D-printed bow tie spy camera.

Image: Luke Leonard/Mashable

If I was able to put them back together in working condition, he never found out. When I couldn't, I'd get yelled at, but at least I'd then get the broken parts afterward so I could glue them to my Erector sets and build my own gadgets. My Inspector Gadget creations never worked, but like any kid, I pretended they did.

With a Pi, I no longer need to pretend. Awesome inventions are just a Google search tutorial away. And unlike other online forums where discussions between users can get nasty fast, many of the ones I perused were cheery and friendly with users that are happy to provide help.

Raspberry Pi 2The Good

Super inexpensive ($35) ? 4 USB ports, 2x more RAM ? Ethernet port ? Wi-Fi

The Bad

Doesn't include USB power adapter/MicroUSB cable or an HDMI cable

The Bottom Line

For $35, the Raspberry Pi 2 is an awesome little DIY computer that can be hacked into almost anything.

Bonus: Spying on friends with the bow tie

Have something to add to this story? Share it in the comments.



UTCRaspberry PI 2:如何建立一个3D打印领结间谍相机[导读]由黄百鸣

混搭Choicehighlights我们测试过的andwould推荐给别人的产品和服务。认为这是招人喜欢,收藏,+ 1'ed和牵制。


一个简单的谷歌搜索带来了数以千计的酷皮项目和黑客攻击;人们爱的小$ 35个计算机。迄今为止,已有超过500万单位已售出,因为丕推出三年前。少数不同型号的现在存在的,但精神是一样的:走出去,本事到的东西真棒。


今年早些时候,树莓派基金会发布了PI 2用900MHz的四核处理器,这比原皮六倍更加强大。该PI 2的也得到了双倍的内存(1GB)和4个USB 2.0端口,比前两个(虽然没有一个是USB 3.0)。

在最基本的层面上,皮2是功能的PC。加载操作系统到存储卡,将其连接到电视或电脑显示器用HDMI连接线,插上有线USB键盘和鼠标,连接以太网电缆,添加一个Micro USB数据线连接到电源,你会是上网冲浪,在任何时间。


作为一台电脑,郫县2大约是一样强大的上网本。 (还记得那些?)它的动力不足,你真的不能兼顾以上几个标签在网络浏览器 - 但它的所有作品,只要你愿意等待几秒钟长的东西加载。



但我的梦想被击碎了,当我找不到任何指示联机状态,并且我不是足够精明,起草了我自己设计的。更何况,我只有一个$ 50个工作预算到PI 2本身之外的买配件。

边缘化的PI 2几个月后,我终于决定做一个3D打印的间谍相机领结灵感来自这个品牌:工程。这是技术人员,怪异和话匣子。赢,赢,赢了。





这里的一切的名单,你需要建立自己的树莓派2供电领结间谍凸轮:便携式电池,microSD卡与SD卡适配器,无线网络适配器,以太网电缆,微型USB数据线,树莓派2, 3D打印领结(你可以,如果你想从其他材料交换本)和树莓派相机模组。

Image: Luke Leonard/Mashable



所述树莓派2是一台计算机,但是它不具有任何软件来控制它。对于这个项目,你需要从这里下载motionPie并将其解压缩。把你的microSD卡,将其插入SD卡适配器,然后将其插入到您的计算机。 PC用户可以使用Wind32DiskImager和Mac用户可以使用ApplePi - 贝克“烧”motionPie到存储卡中。

Image: Luke Leonard/Mashable



下一步是连接所有的电缆。插上以太网电缆和Wi-Fi USB适配器。

Image: Luke Leonard/Mashable




Image: Luke Leonard/Mashable



连接一个微型USB电缆和连接到便携式电池或电源适配器。 (如果你拥有一个手机充电器,这会很好地工作。)

Image: Luke Leonard/Mashable






拔掉皮2.打开以太网电缆再次将Fing头的应用程序,这一次寻找的Wi-Fi适配器的IP地址。我们的Wi-Fi适配器是由爱迪麦斯而成,因此它显示为“的Edimax技术。”使用这个新的IP地址登录到您的无线功能PI 2。

Image: Screenshot/Mashable




Image: Raymond Wong/Mashable




Image: Luke Leonard/Mashable




Image: Luke Leonard/Mashable




图片:卢克·伦纳德/ MashableThe DIY精神强


Raspberry Pi 2 bow tie spy camera

随着$ 35个树莓派,我们建立了3D打印领结间谍相机。




超级便宜($ 35)? 4个USB接口,2倍的内存?以太网端口?无线上网

不包括USB电源适配器/ microUSB数据线或HDMI线

对于$ 35,树莓派2是可以侵入几乎任何一个真棒小DIY电脑。

