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Crazy Cart漂移车


来源:互联网    2015-12-18


Loz BlainJuly 24, 2014The hilarious Razor Crazy Cart drift machine

Razor's Crazy Cart: available August 1 in the UK

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When the Crazy Cart first launched in the USA, Canada and Australia last year, it made a huge splash. Not just for its awesome sideways drifting action, but because it featured quite frankly the best promotional video we've ever seen. Now, Razor has announced that its "ultimate drift machine" is available in the UK from August 1.

Before we continue, if you haven't yet seen it, you owe it to yourself to watch this video:

If that homage to the awesome Ken Block gymkhana videos doesn't make your wallet start burning a hole in your pocket, we recommend you check your pulse!

The Crazy Cart is a fairly simple concept. It has a small electric motor that drives a single wheel located in the center of the cart, towards the front. That wheel can be steered in 360 degrees using a small steering wheel, which features a little arrow that points in the direction the wheel is pointed.

At the rear of the cart sits a pair of caster wheels. As you drive along, at a maximum speed of 12 mph (nearly 20 km/h), the caster effect on those rear wheels pulls the back of the cart into line with the front wheel, so you're always driving forward.

When you pull on the "drift bar" at the side, it tilts the rear caster wheels so the caster effect is almost zero, which means the cart is free to face in just about any direction, no matter which way the front wheel is driving. You can do anything from driving straight backwards, to extreme sideways drifting, to spinning crazily on the spot. You don't need to worry too much about tipping it over, thanks to a couple of extra anti-tip caster wheels at the front.

It looks like absolutely ridiculous fun, and a handy way to calibrate your brain to sideways driving if you're thinking of getting into drifting in a bigger machine.

Unfortunately, the current Crazy Cart can only handle riders up to 140 lb (64 kg) so it's more of a kids' fun machine. With a bit of luck Razor will pull its finger out and make one us bigger lads can ride.

The Crazy Cart is available now in America, Canada and Australia, with those in the UK able to join the fun from August 1 for £499.99 (US$850).

Product page: Razor


Crazy Cart漂移车

后blainjuly 24,2014爆笑剃须刀疯狂赛车漂移machine

剃刀疯狂购物车:在英国< / P >图像画廊8月1日(8幅)

在我们继续之前,如果你还没有看过,你应该看这个视频:< / P > < P > < / P >

如果向可怕的Ken Block Gymkhana视频并不会让你的钱包在你的口袋烧了一个洞,我们建议你检查一下你的脉搏!“是”,“疯狂的购物车是一个相当简单的概念。它有一个小的电动马达,驱动一个单一的车轮位于中心的购物车,朝前。该轮可以使用一个小方向盘在360度,它具有一个小箭头指向的方向上的方向盘指向的方向盘,“/”,在后面的车坐一对万向轮。当你开车时,在最大时速可达12英里(约20公里/小时),在后轮的后效应拉车回与前轮线,所以你总是开车前进。


疯狂车现已在美国、加拿大和澳大利亚,而英国能够从£499.99 8月1日加入乐趣(850美元)。

