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VTech推出适合儿童学习使用内置Android游戏的InnoTab Max 平板


来源:互联网    2015-12-18


Simon CrispJune 8, 2014VTech brings teacher-endorsed Android games to its InnoTab Max tablet for kids

The VTech InnoTab MAX is a 7-inch tablet for children which will have access to a selection of Android games

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VTech has revealed its upcoming lineup of tablet computers for children, including an Android-powered top-of-the-range model. The InnoTab Max features a 7-in touchscreen, built-in Wi-Fi, and the Android 4.2 operating system. In addition to VTech's own apps and learning software, it will also boast access to a selection of more than 200 educator-endorsed Android learning games.

The new tablet has been designed to appeal to parents who want to get their child a kid-specific tablet, but are worried that their little one won't be happy with the VTech app offering. With the InnoTab Max, children who are used to playing on their parents' mobile devices might be able to download some of the same games on their own kid-friendly tablet. At the same time, they'll still have access to all of the VTech educational titles, which will make Mom and Dad happy.

The InnoTab Max has the robustness that you would expect from a product aimed at three to nine year-olds, and the sort of simple operation and parental controls that we've come to expect from the likes of the InnoTab 3 or LeapPad Ultra. Much like previous models, the InnoTab Max will ship with 18 installed apps – including MP3 and video players, a camera and a kid-safe browser.

However, where the Max differs to previous VTech offerings is that it will also have access to more than 200 hand-picked and educator-endorsed Android learning games. These educator-vetted games will sit alongside a library of more than 650 software and app titles in VTech's Learning Lodge app store. The InnoTab Max will also be compatible with a number of VTech's library of cartridges. VTech has not yet revealed which Android games will be available on the tablet.

In terms of technical specifications, VTech is not revealing too much at the moment. However, we do know that the 7-in touchscreen will have a 1024 x 600 pixel resolution, its camera will be of the 2 megapixel variety and there will be 8 GB of internal storage. It also gives you the option of popping in a microSD card (up to 32 GB). VTech isn't saying much about the processor, only that it will be an upgraded multi-core CPU (in other words, don't expect a Snapdragon 801 in this puppy).

The built-in Wi-Fi of the InnoTab Max can be used to download apps or browse the internet using a kid-safe browser. It is also compatible with an enhanced version of VTech Premium Kid Connect which allows users to send and receive text and voice messages, photos and drawings with family members who have installed the app for their iOS or Android smart-device.

In addition to introducing the InnoTab Max, VTech has also revealed relatively minor updates to previous InnoTab models in the form of the InnoTab 3S Plus and the InnoTab 3 Plus. The 3S Plus is a mid-range model with Wi-Fi, while the Wi-Fi-lacking InnoTab 3 Plus becomes the new base-level offering.

The VTech InnoTab Max will go on sale in October, while the InnoTab 3S Plus and the InnoTab 3 Plus will be available in August. There's currently no word on pricing.

Product pages: InnoTab Max, InnoTab 3S Plus, InnoTab 3 Plus


VTech推出适合儿童学习使用内置Android游戏的InnoTab Max 平板

西蒙crispjune 8,2014vtech带来教师支持Android游戏的InnoTab Max片kids

伟易达InnoTab Max是一个孩子,将有机会获得一个选择的安卓游戏< / P >图像画廊的7英寸平板电脑(5张)
伟易达透露其儿童平板电脑即将到来的阵容,包括Android的顶级模型。InnoTab Max的功能一个7触摸屏,内置Wi-Fi,和Android 4.2操作系统。除了腾讯自己的应用和学习软件,它也将拥有访问精选了200多个教育家支持Android学习游戏。

新平板电脑的设计是为了呼吁父母想让他们的孩子一个孩子特定的标签让,但担心他们的孩子不会快乐与伟易达集团提供的应用程序。与InnoTab Max,谁都可以打父母的移动设备的儿童可能会下载一些相同的游戏对自己的孩子友好的平板电脑。同时,他们还可以访问所有的易达教育,这会让爸爸妈妈高兴。

InnoTab Max具有鲁棒性,你会期望从一个产品针对三到九岁的孩子,和那种简单的操作和家长控制我们期望从InnoTab 3或LeapPad超喜欢。就像以前的型号,InnoTab Max将18安装的应用程序–包括MP3和视频播放器的船,一个摄像头和一个孩子安全的浏览器。

但是,其中最大的不同是,以前的伟易达产品也将获得超过200的手工采摘和教育家支持Android学习游戏。这些教育家审查游戏将并排在伟易达的学习小屋App Store图书馆超过650软件和应用程序标题。InnoTab Max也将与一些子弹伟易达图书馆兼容。伟易达集团尚未透露,Android游戏将对平板电脑可用。

方面的技术规范、伟易达集团没有透露目前太多。然而,我们知道的7触摸屏将有一个1024 x 600像素的分辨率,它的摄像头将是2像素的变化,将有8 GB的内部存储。这也给你插进一个microSD卡的选项(32 GB)。伟易达没有说太多关于处理器,将升级多核CPU(换句话说,不要指望一个骁龙801在这小狗)。

内置Wi-Fi InnoTab最大可下载的应用程序或浏览互联网使用儿童安全浏览器。它也兼容增强版易达溢价孩子连接允许用户发送和接收文本和语音消息、照片和图纸与家庭成员谁已经安装了他们的iOS或Android智能设备应用程序。

除了引入InnoTab Max,伟易达也显示相对小更新以前的InnoTab模型在InnoTab 3S加形式和InnoTab 3加。3S Plus是一个Wi-Fi中档模型,而Wi-Fi缺乏InnoTab 3加成为新基地提供。

伟易达InnoTab Max将于十月发售,而InnoTab 3S加InnoTab 3加将在八月。目前的定价无话。

产品页面:InnoTab Max,InnoTab 3S加,InnoTab 3加

