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Choc Creator 2.0 Plus拉开第二代3D巧克力打印机帷幕


来源:互联网    2015-08-20


Thu, July 30, 2015Choc Creator 2.0 Plus Kicks Off 2nd Generation Chocolate 3D Printing

Back in 2011, researchers at the University of Exeter made headlines with a lab-made chocolate printer.? This machine was eventually spun out of the lab into a full-blown company called Choc Edge which made the first commercial chocolate 3D printer. Since then, the company has gone through two iterations of its Choc Creator chocolate printer, releasing the Choc Creator 2.0 last year.? Now, Choc Edge has announced their latest upgrade to tabletop chocolate 3D printer, the Choc Creator 2.0 Plus.


The Choc Creator 2.0 Plus, the company states, has been “designed from the ground up”. So, while it maintains its sleek appearance, the firm has reduced the size and weight of the machine.? This makes the printer easier to transport, which I would think is essential for caterers and private chefs. The device is also meant to be more reliable and easier to use than its predecessors, relying on a 30ml stainless steel syringe and printhead to both ensure even heating throughout the head – “designed to print with absolutely no blocking” – and easy cleaning. Additionally, the platform has been made removable for cooling, without the need for a separate substrate.

Other improvements include an increase in build volume to 180 x 180 x 50mm and an LCD touch screen, freeing the Choc Creator from the fetters of your computer.? With a USB drive, users can print directly from the printer.? This demonstrates that, like FFF 3D printers now entering the second generation, the first commercial chocolate 3D printer is keeping up with technological innovations.


Having learned how customers are dealing with the previous versions of the Choc Creator, Choc Edge has realized how to improve the machine for their customers with features key to commercial chocolate printing.? Choc Edge says “The new printer is perfect for long runs of logos, complex 2D designs and smaller 3D shapes – ideal for marketing companies producing corporate gifts, chocolate shops that produce personalised items, and any producer of food looking for a new way to add value to their products.”

The CC2.0 Plus will be released at the end of September with an early bird price of £1,665, available for purchase directly through the Choc Edge online shop or by contacting the company at [email protected]. This is nice price reduction from the previous model, bringing the Choc Creator more in line with other desktop printers on the market.? It’s highly likely that the company will see an even bigger demand from consumers and small shops and just as the holidays begin to roll around.

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Choc Creator 2.0 Plus拉开第二代3D巧克力打印机帷幕



在乔科造物主2.0另外,该公司国,一直以“从底层设计”。因此,尽管它保持其光滑的外表,该公司已降低了机器的尺寸和重量。?这使打印机更容易运输,我倒觉得是对餐饮业和私人厨师必不可少的。该设备还意味着更可靠和更容易使用比它的前辈,整个头靠着30毫升不锈钢注射器和打印头既保证加热均匀 - “设计为可以打印,完全没有堵” - 易清洁。此外,该平台已取得的可移动的冷却,而不需要一个单独的基板。

其他改进包括增加在建容量为180×180×50毫米和液晶触摸屏,从电脑的束缚中解放出来巧克力的创造者?使用USB驱动器,用户可以通过打印机直接打印。?这表明,像FFF 3D打印机现在进入了第二代,第一个商业化的巧克力3D打印机跟上技术革新。

已经了解到客户如何处理乔科造物主的早期版本中,乔科边缘实现了如何使用功能键,商业巧克力印刷提高了机器为他们的客户?巧克力边缘说“新的打印机是完美的徽标长距离,复杂的2D设计和更小的3D形状 - 生产礼品的企业理想的销售公司,巧克力店产生个性化的物品和食物的任何生产商寻找新的方式来增加产品的附加值。“

直接通过乔科边网上商店或公司的接触CC2.0 Plus将公布在九月底以£1,665个早起的价格,可购买[电子邮件保护。这是从以前的型号不错的降价,对市场带来的乔科造物主更符合其他桌面打印机。?这是非常有可能,该公司将看到来自消费者和小商店一个更大的需求,就像假期开始打滚。

